How to build a successful brand?
Define your target audience precisely :
The primary goal of building your brand is to make target customers well aware of the importance of your brand and trust it, and thus your company can achieve many revenues. This is done by visualizing your “customer’s personality” and studying him well before making decisions.Determine the identity, value and features of your company :
In your field of specialization, there is a large group of companies offering the same products, and it is good to focus on your competitors, but it is better at this stage to focus on defining your identity and the features of your company.
Note :
In this part, you should seek help from one of the companies specialized in marketing and brand creation, to prepare your logo in the best possible way.
Creating a brand voice :
Many companies do not care much about the audio aspect of the brand, and this aspect is considered one of the most important steps in building the brand. You have to imagine that a person is talking to your company or sending a text message to it, so what is the way to respond to him?!
Brand voice, which is considered the most important element of brand building, also includes the form of writing advertising campaigns and the form of responses on social media, such as comments written on Instagram, Facebook, etc.Brand marketing “market your brand” :
In this step of building a brand, you will have completely finished preparing the designs for that brand, and it is time to spread the brand in every inch of your business. You must display it in places that are related to your business.
Laws for building a brand :
Philip Kotler says: “Either you build a brand or compete at the lowest price.”
Today, companies have to find new ways to put their brands in the minds of consumers, and in order to build your brand that stays in the minds of customers, you must follow several laws :
The first law (uniqueness) :
Uniqueness is considered one of the most important characteristics of any brand because it is unique with a logo that is fixed in the minds and minds. For example, when you hear the name of the brand “McDonald’s,” what goes through your mind? In fact, this is the secret of the brand’s success in the market, because when you hear the brand name, its established logo comes to mind.
The second law (contraction) :
It is represented by the company’s efforts being based on one product, which helps to establish the customer’s mental image of the brand and link it with the activity provided by Microsoft. For example, when they focused on one product, which is Windows, they were able to achieve amazing success and international fame from here.
The third law (quality) :
The company should not be grateful for the quality of its products from its point of view, but rather it must look at its product from the customer’s point of view. It must know what a good product is in the customer’s view. If all customers agree that the product is bad, even if that is not the case in reality, but If he doesn’t meet their expectations, he will be bad in everyone’s eyes.
The fourth law (limits) :
Brands that can go out and spread in different places become stronger. The more you can spread in more than one province and more than one country, you are on the right path to strengthening your brand.
The fifth law (stability and continuity) :
Building a brand does not happen overnight. If you want real success, you must be patient and wait for years until you see the impressive result of your brand.
The sixth law (marketing) :
Brands that succeed in marketing in the correct way reach faster. Marketing is your speaking tongue for your customers. If you talk about your brand, you cannot spread or succeed no matter what else you do. Without marketing, everything you do for your brand is worthless.
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